NEUTRINO: How Can This Ghost Particle Change The Way You Look At The Universe....
Neutrinos are tiny, almost massless particles that make up the entire universe. They are created by various like nuclear reactions like those taking place at the core of a star. They are also produced in our body by the radioactive decay of potassium. It is believed that they had been formed even before the creation of atoms. Neutrinos are elemetary paricles and cannot be subdivided and they travel at lightspeeds.
Though they are in an abundance throughout the universe and millions of them are passing through you right now, they are very difficult to detect since neutrinos do not have any charge and are almost massless and they do not interact with any matter easily. Since they do not have any charge they are not affected by magnetic and electrical fields. However they are influenced by gravity.
Neutrinos do not seem to forget their origin and so their detection can help us understand and examine the universe more closely than ever and can even change the way we know it. Neutrinos can tell us about things and creations far beyond our imagination.
The IceCube observatory in the South Pole tries to detect their presence as the neutrinos pass through the clear and transparent ice. Approximately 10 times a year, the detectors detect a neutrino as it collides with the nucleus of an atom in the ice cube.
So that was a little discussion about neutrinos. Please use the comments scetione in case of any doubts.
Also, let us know what do you think lies beyond??