ANTIMATTER: What Is It And Why Is It ??

Anti-Matter is just the opposite of matter. A more specific definition will be that Anti-Matter refers to the opposite of  subatomic particles. They are exactly similar to to all the subatomic particles but they have just the opposite charge. Anti-Matter consists of particles opposite to all the elementary particles including the Quarks, Muons, Tauon, neutrinos, and also electrons. For example, Anti-Matter has positively charged electrons known as positron.

                                   Anti-Matter colliding with regular matter and annihilating

 Anti-Matter annihilates when it comes into contact with regular matter and results in the formation of neutrally charged Photons.

Anti-matter was produced in September, 1996 at CERN where it was produced by colliding antiprotons with Xenon atoms over a period of three weeks but these antimatter quickly annihilated. Till now we have only achieved to sustain antimatter for approximately 1000 seconds.

Though slowly, humans are advancing a its just a matter of time until we unravel many mysteries but till then keep reading our blogs...


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